
  • Marisa Morán Jahn
Marisa Morán Jahn/Studio REV-, CareForce, poster, 2016. Courtesy the artist.

CareForce is a public art project, film series, and mobile studio that aims to amplify the voices of America’s fastest growing workforce—caregivers. Working with caregivers, their advocates, and a team of artists, CareForce attempts to redress policy gaps in order to strengthen caregivers’ economic security while ensuring quality care for families. By storytelling with domestic workers, lawyers, organizers, and policy-makers, CareForce designs tools, such as this poster, to make complex issues accessible. The goal is to spark public imagination around caregiving relationships through hands-on workshops, screenings, exhibitions, dance sessions, and pit stops at museums, parks, libraries, worker centres, and public spaces. Stay tuned for CareForce’s stop at the Blackwood Gallery, University of Toronto Mississauga, in October 2017.

An artist and transmedia producer of Ecuadorian and Chinese descent, Marisa Morán Jahn founded Studio REV-, a non-profit organization whose key projects include El Bibliobandido, Video Slink Uganda, Contratados, the Nannyvan, an app for domestic workers that CNN named as “one of five apps to change the world,” and the CareForce. She is a graduate of MIT and teaches at MIT, Columbia University, and The New School.

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