Sheena Hoszko
Sheena Hoszko lives and works in Tio’tia:ke (Montreal), in Kanien’kehá:ka territory. A sculptor, anti-prison organizer, and Polish settler, Sheena Hoszko explores the connections between physical control of the body and mental health. Her work is based on long-term research into the power dynamics of geographical, architectural and psychological sites, and is informed by her own family’s experience of migration and incarceration. Drawing on measurement and surveying practices and transcription of oral information and stories, she interprets and recreates experiential spaces for the viewer, using materials such as light, stained glass, fabric, concrete and metal in conjunction with textual gleanings. Recently she has been focusing on the cartography of sites related to the spatial control of the body—borders, boundary lines, fences—and on possible ways of recontextualizing them as a political tool in a gallery situation.
How can movement and performative practices resist the capture and control of our bodies?
Art, Care, and the Abolition of Prisons
Of Birds and Ointments: Carceral Art, Harm, and Care
Running with Concepts: The Empathic Edition
Take Care, Circuit 5: Collective Welfare
Correctional Service Canada Accommodation Guidelines: Mental Healthcare Facility, 2016–2018
Perimeter of the Prison de la Santé in Orange Plastic Security Fencing (797.35 metres) with Penitentiary Blue Walls
Representing Carceralism