Artist Project and Text

Karen Houle, "Shadow Participants in the Jus Publicum Europaeum," 2014.
Kika Thorne, The participant, 2011, Photograph and missing video files, Periphery of the G8 Designated Protest Zone Huntsville, Ontario.


People / Things: Are public spaces only for humans?

A public is always thought of as a group of people, but public spaces are non-human, and they include not simply inanimate materials with their specific histories, but also many non-human forms of life. Bruno Latour has argued that this split between people and things is the foundational ruse of modernity, and is responsible for many of our current social and environmental problems. What would happen if we included non-human actors in our understanding of politics, and in our public spaces?

Furnishing Positions is a serial publication that focuses on the paradoxical nature of public space. Its standard form is an 18”x18” broadsheet, consisting of an artist’s project on one side and a text on the other. It will be published once every two weeks for three months, starting September 15, 2014, with each issue focusing on a specific paradox. As a serial, each issue builds on earlier editions. As each issue is published, it will be hung and made available for free in the Blackwood Gallery, posted to the gallery’s website, postered in public sites, and circulated electronically. As the exhibition progresses these broadsheets will accumulate, generating and animating conversations in the space.

Furnishing Positions (broadsheet) is part of Adrian Blackwell’s project, Furnishing Positions, commissioned by the Blackwood Gallery and presented in conjunction with the exhibition FALSEWORK, September 15 – December 7, 2014.


Shadowy Participants in the Jus Publicum Europaeum1


  1. A statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.
  2. Any person, thing, or situation exhibiting an apparently contradictory nature.(footnote:, s.v. “paradox,”

Stagger-start Boeing 747s
Westward over the Japan Sea
To China, Russia, & then the European Union–

Jet contrails knit a nest above the shipping channel.
Aluminum wing-shadow passes over a thousand Lego-sized container ships.
Propellers. Froth: I am nursing a child in the air with body temperature human milk.
Thin cold rivets keep us from fall-through-empty sky.
Weightlessness, calming down: absurd…

…but in reality expresses a possible truth.

As do those whale-shaped shadows below the boats below.
Glimpsed. Momentarily visible masses: Following or leading or chasing or
being chased out of contested waters?

Whales in-and-of themselves vs. steamships (oil or wood)?
Sea Shepard vs. blood-red blubber chews? (bait or fertilizer2)?
Dutch East India Co. (Hirado Station, 1609) + Hiroshima (1945) +
Fukushima (2011) and-or: Indonesia vs. Occupied Japan, and then the West =

Bones of mammals occupy every wet, dry or empty square inch


—From "Shadow Participants in the Jus Publicum Europaeum" by Karen Houle

Issues in this Series

00, Six Paradoxes, 15/09/2014
Adrian Blackwell

01, Affinity / Disagreement, 15/09/2014
Abbas Akhavan | Kanishka Goonewardena

02, Representation / Presentation, 29/09/2014
Dylan Miner | cheyanne turions

03, Materiality / Immateriality, 14/10/2014
Greig de Peuter | Paige Sarlin

04, People / Things, 27/10/2014
Karen Houle | Kika Thorne

05, Privacy / Publicity, 10/11/2014
Eric Cazdyn | Charles Stankievech

06, City / Urbanization, 24/11/2014
Mary Lou Lobsinger | Scott Sørli

How To Order

The Furnishing Positions broadsheets are all available for free download. To order free printed copies of any or all of them, please send an email including title(s), number of copies, and your mailing address to:[at]

Matthew Hoffman

Copy Editor
Jeffrey Malecki

Captain Printworks
Published with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and Ontario Arts Council.

Furnishing Positions 04

Karen Houle, Kika Thorne

This broadsheet series is part of the commissioned project Furnishing Positions by Adrian Blackwell, and is produced in conjunction with the 2014 exhibition FALSEWORK. Curated by Christine Shaw.

Double-sided broadsheet, 18 x 18in

Download broadsheet

The Blackwood
University of Toronto Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6

[email protected]
(905) 828-3789
The galleries are currently closed, reopening March 27. Hours of operation: Monday–Saturday, 12–5pm.

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The Blackwood is situated on the Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit, Seneca, and Huron-Wendat.
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