Luis Jacob, 03:16
You do it
You do it
You do you
Own it
OWN it!
You know you want it
There’s no “no” when you want it
You know no-one wants what you want
You want what no-one wants
There’s no-one to want what you want
Want no-one
So own it!
Own wanting it
You know you own it by wanting it
You know you want to want it
You have to have what it takes to have it
You know it
No-one knows you have to have it
But you have to have what it takes
It takes what you have
And yet you want it
You want to want it because that’s just what it takes
That’s the way it goes
It goes that way
You have to do it
You HAVE to
You have to have what it takes to do it
Fuck it, just DO it
Fucking own it!
You know you want it
You want to want it
And that’s just what it takes to take what you have
I don’t care
Fuck it if you can’t take it
You just can’t stand it
You can’t stand to fall for it
I’m all over it
And you just can’t stand it
I’m all over the place
And you just can’t take it
Fuck it—I’m over it
Fuck me!
You have to have what it takes
Do you have what it takes?
I’m loving it
Do you even know what you want to want?
Listen—I love it
There’s no “no” when you want it
No-one wants to want what you want
YOU want it
You got this
You go and get it
You OWN it by wanting it
I want you to want it
I love it
And no-one wants this more for you
It’s not a no-no
Fucking own it
You know you have what it takes to have it
It’s not a no-no
So own it
Own wanting it
Own the shit out of it
Babe, I’m all over it
Come here and say that
Yeah, you heard me
Are you talking to ME?
Babe, I’m all over that
Listen, there’s no “no” when you want it
You heard me
YOU want to want it
You got this
Are you gonna go for it
You have to have it
I want you to have it
It takes what you have
So you have to have what it takes
Are you even listening to me?
You heard me
I want you to be heard
Listen—I see you
… wanting what you don’t want
… owning what you can’t have
Fucking going for it
I’m over it
—You do you
Go get it
I see you
Fuck it, just do it
“Do you even know what you want to want?”
Jacob takes us on a looping and circuitous path through self-care and empowerment rhetoric. “Own it!” “You know you want it.” “I’m over it—you do you.” With a text-to-speech device twisting these words to the point of their collapse, Jacob at once celebrates their capacity to inspire, and exposes their vacuity.
Artists-in-Presidents: Transmissions to Power is a polyvocal art project initiated by Constance Hockaday that takes up and subverts the model of the Presidential Address or Transmission to the Nation. The Blackwood has commissioned 21 artists, thinkers, performers, and writers to create audio addresses that perform power in new and different ways, and together compose a rousing collection of imaginative proposals for the leadership we need in this moment of global crisis and possibility.