Ursula Johnson and Cheryl L’Hirondelle. Nikamon Ohci Askiy (Ke’tapekiaq Ma’qimikew): The Land Sings, 2016. Photo: Dennis Ha. Courtesy the artists and Grunt Galley.
Ursula Johnson and Cheryl L’Hirondelle. Nikamon Ohci Askiy (Ke’tapekiaq Ma’qimikew): The Land Sings, 2016. Installation view. Photo: Toni Hafkenscheid.
Ursula Johnson and Cheryl L’Hirondelle, Nikamon Ohci Askiy (Ke’tapekiaq Ma’qimikew): The Land Sings, 2016. Installation view. Photo: Toni Hafkenscheid.

Nikamon Ohci Askiy (Ke’tapekiaq Ma’qimikew): The Land Sings

Cree lyrics and songline on grid paper. Song lyrics for “okâwîmâw” co-written by Cheryl L’Hirondelle and Joseph Naytowhow; song melody co-written by Cheryl L’Hirondelle and Ursula Johnson.
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The Blackwood
University of Toronto Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6

[email protected]
(905) 828-3789
The galleries are currently open. Hours of operation: Monday–Saturday, 12–5pm, Wednesdays until 8pm.

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The Blackwood is situated on the Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit, Seneca, and Huron-Wendat.
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