As curators Amber Berson and Juliana Driever describe, “Cevan Castle [proposed] Map of Family Spaces on Campus as a design-oriented solution for families who use the UTM campus. Beginning her project with research from the UTM Family Care Office and from canvassing members of the UTM campus, Castle asked: Where do families play, nurse, work, eat, read, and gather? Castle then designed and installed temporary signage, based on the American Institute of Graphic Arts’ universal symbols, to identify these family friendly public locations across UTM.”
Castle’s signage was installed in key locations in fourteen buildings across campus. Castle not only identified spaces for practicalities, like breastfeeding, diaper-changing, rest, and family dining, but also normalized and affirmed the presence of families in the institutional space of the university. Map of Family Spaces on Campus asserts that creating a space for the parental in institutions is an accessibility issue that impacts all campus community members, regardless of parental status.