The research project G24|0vßß (which includes a 24-minute video essay and series of objects) is the result of the artist’s close collaboration with the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LGNS) in Abruzzo, the location of the Cryogenic Underground Laboratory for Rare Events (CUORE). This research takes place at the heart of the Gran Sasso Mountain, where the CUORE team has created the coldest point in the universe within a cubic meter of Tellurium crystal and copper.
This lead was retrieved in the late-twentieth century from a ship that was sunk off the coast of Oristano, Italy in 50 B.C.E. Archeological lead “ingots” such as these are used in the “low background” experiments at the LNGS.
The use of this ancient mineral within the contemporary experimental assemblages at the LNGS is due to its rare, uncontaminated radioactive silence, which helps to guard the delicate crystal-hearted experiment from the thick omniscient noise of our universe. Within a series of six concentric metallic shields, this ancient lead is re-cast to become the innermost layer of the protective chamber, quietly protecting the intensely chilled Tellurium dioxide crystals from the hyperchaos of the cosmos.