Karina Irvine’s research is based on the German conceptual artist Rosemarie Trockel’s exhibition, A Cosmos (2012) and how Trockel utilizes temporality to question the boundary between nature and culture. The exhibition presents an array of artists’ work in addition to Trockel’s own extensive career, spanning from objects borrowed from natural history museums, to surrealist works and women artists’ whose practice has largely been unrecognized. The effect is a comprehensive view of Trockel’s own wunderkammern (wonder chambers) which reflects a world that hovers between the natural and the surreal. As she creates a re-articulation of how we envision a world of coexistence through her humour, A Cosmos also allows for an interaction that has the ability at first to seduce us, while later digging deeper to explore underlying and difficult themes of social, cultural, and natural realities.