Nasrin Himada, Wanda Nanibush, and M. NourbeSe Philip will engage in a conversation on healing as a collective and relational condition of care. Inspired by Philip’s poetry, specifically her book Zong!, Himada’s intention in organizing this gathering stemmed from thinking about Zong! not solely as book, or poem, or piece of art, but as ritual. Zong! conditions a space for healing that deeply engages, simultaneously, with the past, present and future. Nanibush’s writings, and leadership in social justice movements, teaching, and curating, also touch on this aspect of art’s healing powers. Together, this gathering grapples with art’s connection to care by focusing on healing rituals as they appear in our practices. Art is life and belongs to life in how it's lived, in ritual, in praxis, in thinking, and feeling, and healing. These relations are inherent to the process of making, and doing, and remembering, and contending with the pain and grief that is the work of everyday. This discussion explores how healing can move beyond the self—beyond an individualist project—and manifest as a collective one.