In 2013 Gwen MacGregor was invited by The Art Gallery of Greater Victoria to create a new installation that reflected on the life of Painters Eleven Jock MacDonald. Part of the core research for her exhibition came from content in a diary MacDonald kept while living on Nootka Island, BC in 1935. In the summer of 2014 MacGregor travelled there, where she shot video that was used along with other objects to create an installation in the Mansion Rooms of AGGV. The exhibition, entitled Circumference, is a portrait of the island with Jock MacDonald as the centre. After the exhibition opened, however, MacGregor was left feeling that she had perpetuated an ongoing erasure of the peoples that live on the island. Nootka has been and remains the home of the Mowachaht/Muchalaht but they were mostly absent from her exhibition. In an unusual turn of events, MacGregor attained permission from curator Michelle Jacques to change her installation in the middle of the exhibition period. She returned to Nootka this summer and shot a new set of videos to replace the originals. She has also invited two Port Alberti artists to stage interventions in the gallery space during the remainder of the exhibition. MacGregor will discuss the challenges of representations of land in Canada across indigenous/non-indigenous perspectives using her experiences both as an artist and as a PhD geography student.