MORTIFIED (Laboratory of Learning) is a performance that brings some of the primary motivations we create from into the foreground. For 5 weeks, MORTIFIED will pursue and document two forms of repetitive physical engagement: playing the drums to acquire speed and multi-limb coordination, and swim training. The culmination of our training sessions will be presented at the Running with Concepts event. Jenn Goodwin will perform live and Camilla Singh will be working from Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates, present via video.
Power, control and mastery have complex histories and very different meanings when their objectives are focused inwards versus outwards. In response to the call for ways to think about choreopolitics and the relation between art and politics, we are choreographing our training sessions to embody a relationship between externally imposed notions of masculine and feminine representations of power and strength. Can we apply the meditative learning that is found in a solitary studio practice to think through the ways in which feminine voices are suppressed? Where does strength lie and how can it be attained within a rhythmic phrase of drumming or swimming?