To approach disability, even embrace disability, in movement, can involve radically different forms and politics; two quite opposing examples that come to mind include Axis Dance Company, and, as I have written about elsewhere, the performance of zombies in contemporary entertainment. This workshop aims to experimentally interrogate the possibilities and spaces of thinking and moving and possibly claiming "crip" without tokenizing, giving reductive or provisional value, or temporally minimizing, the possibilities of being disabled. Disabled or crip identification is complex and to avoid default patterns of ableism requires some interrogation of conventional wisdoms about disability and access, as well as performance and movement. In a prefatory discussion, I will try to lay out some of these interrogations, take up questions to be shared among the audience, and demonstrate some axioms, some of which have gestural correlatives and some of which do not. All of this is with the sheer awareness that disability experimentation, however defined, is not without its risks.