First Hand fancifully transmutes that which is human, intimate, and bodily into the architectural framework of the City of Mississauga. Gigantesque vinyl decal hands appear to caress, press, push, and otherwise explore or confound the screen-like windows of the buildings of the University of Toronto Mississauga and the Churchill Meadows Library. Hands seem to be reaching out toward one another from opposite sides of the windows of the walkway between the CCT building and the Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre. From certain vantage points, the hands, which belong to students who routinely use this passageway, appear to make contact with each other, thus visually collapsing space and disconnectedness. Across the city at the Churchill Meadows Activity Centre and Library, an array of hands—once again belonging to users of the space—spell out "share the love" in ASL fingerspelling. Vinyl hands placed strategically on doors and windows welcome and guide community members in and out of the building.
—Shannon Garden-Smith & Polina Teif