Key to Michel Foucault's theorization of the disciplinary societies was the cartography of power relations presupposed by the diagram of Jeremy Bentham's ideal prison, the Panopticon. But the important element of his analysis concerned the lightness of this panoptic diagram, which could be lifted abstractly to also map certain relations in, for example, the military barracks, school, hospital, or factory. In "Postscript on the Societies of Control," Gilles Deleuze noted that these disciplinary institutions have come under crisis, in some way becoming-fluid or leaking. The contemporary logic of control can thus be understood as one turned liquid. And yet in many cases the strata of discipline have proven surprisingly resilient. This performative paper speculates a geo-logics for our contemporary and proposes an alternative abstract diagram, one of losing energies and desires: f---cking as energetic abstract diagram for a considered aesthetics and politics.