Lisa Jevbratt, C5, 1:1, Interface: Every (IP), 1999. Courtesy the Banff Centre for the Arts.
Nov 03, 2005 – Dec 18, 2005

Database Imaginary

Saul Albert, Cory Arcangel, Natalie Bookchin, Heath Bunting and Kayle Brandon, Allan Currall, Beatriz da Costa, Heidi Kumao, Jamie Schulte, Brooke Singer, Graham Harwood, Agnes Hegedus, Pablo Helguera, Lisa Jevbratt, George Legrady, Cheryl L'Hirondelle Waynohtaw, Lev Manovich, Jennifer & Kevin McCoy, Anotnio Muntadas, Phillip Pocock, Axel Heide, Onesandzeros, Gregor Stehle, Edward Poitras, David Rokeby, Warren Sack, Thompson and Craighead, Angie Waller, Marina Zurkow, Scott Paterson & Julian Bleecker

Co-organized by the Walter Phillips Gallery, the Banff Centre, and The Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina Public Library
Installation Views

Installation Views

This exhibition was generously funded by Canada Council for the Arts, Walter Phillips Gallery, the Banff Centre, the Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina Public Library, Department of Canadian Heritage & the Daniel Langlois Foundation for Art, Science and Technology.

The Blackwood
University of Toronto Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Road
Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6

[email protected]
(905) 828-3789
The galleries are currently closed, reopening March 27. Hours of operation: Monday–Saturday, 12–5pm.

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The Blackwood is situated on the Territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit, Seneca, and Huron-Wendat.
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