Download IamP2P App for Mac
After downloading and unzipping, you will need to right click on the application, and click "Open". Then click "open" again when it asks you if you are sure (because the app is not signed and verified).
Download IamP2P App for Windows (64 bit)
Due to restraints on peer-to-peer Holochain library, to be able to run IamP2P on Windows installing WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux 2) is required beforehand. This step requires some knowledge of Windows operating system. Follow the instructions in this link to install WSL 2. After installing WSL 2 and Ubuntu on your Windows system, download the IamP2P app for Windows version.
Download IamP2P App for Linux
Simply download, unzip, and execute the app.
Parker Kay
Responding to histories and politics of artist-run culture in Canada, Kay will discuss the development of blockchain and network decentralization technologies at Pumice Raft, a non-profit independent art space he founded in Toronto. Adopting these emerging technologies, Kay looks to how artist-run culture can better embody practices of transparency, accountability, and communal governance.
Pegah Vaezi
Vaezi’s research practice investigates issues of censorship, surveillance, privacy, and copyright among dominant data systems and models. Concerned with the expansion of platform capitalism, Vaezi examines how peer-to-peer internet protocols might challenge the status quo, and provide better alternative forms of data governance and sovereignty. In her hybrid role as a designer and curator, Vaezi is developing an app which uses design metaphors to make peer-to-peer protocols more visible and accessible to lay users.
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Pegah Vaezi is a transdisciplinary designer and curator. Pegah completed her Master’s of Visual Studies in Curatorial Studies from the University of Toronto. Awarded the best symposium of the year by NOW magazine in 2019, her thesis, “What do we mean when we say content moderation: Digital Censorship, Surveillance and Creative Workers,” explored ramifications of content moderation in the digital space, with a focus on its implications for creative workers. She currently runs Sprillow—a design and development studio focused on co-creating systems change initiatives—with her partner Connor Turland. Born in Portland, Oregon and raised in Tehran, Iran, Vaezi studied Sculpture and Industrial Design at the University of Tehran, and received her BFA from Virginia Commonwealth University in Sculpture and Extended Media.
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